

    • 攤位號碼: 南港一館

    產品特色:strong spoke wheel body , smoothly rolling, more colors choice cool and fashion shape style

  • 產品特色:aerolite內胎融合創新與性能,運用尖端科技提供無與倫比的騎乘體驗。它們通過先進材料實現輕量化設計,減輕自行車重量並提高效率。創新的材料特性改善滾動阻力和穩定性,使騎乘更加順暢。內胎的特性最大限度地減少爆胎風險,確保騎士的信心。精確的氣嘴技術提供出色的密封性能,讓騎乘無憂。專利安裝指示線簡化了安裝過程,適合專業和業餘騎士。此外,aerolite在製造過程中優先考慮環境可持續性,符合新的環保標準。

    • 攤位號碼: 南港一館

    產品特色:新的 38 mm 輪圈高度成為我們 arc 系列中框高最低,同時也是重量最輕的輪組,僅重 1292 g。在爬坡競速時的每一秒都至關重要,因此減輕重量和空力優化的輪圈框體,是率先登頂的關鍵因素。

    • 攤位號碼: 南港一館

    產品特色:bmx racing rear hub:6 pawls 120 points disc mount 10mm front hub

    • 攤位號碼: 南港一館

    產品特色:mach 33 grvl is designed to go gravel terrains but xero still makes this wheel lightweight with sufficient spokes to sustain its durability. mach 33 grvl provides a wider range of tire choices. with wider inner width, riders can choose wider tires up to 47c. with high quality construction, mach 33 grvl is a smart choice for all your adventures. this gravel wheels easily roll over all terrains, are lightweight and nimble with stable performance.   xero wheels use ceramic speed bearing, the best bearing product in the world. this pinnacle component also makes xero wheel feel fast in every measurable way.

    • 攤位號碼: 南港一館

    產品特色:composed speed performance csp 為xero的輪組設計理念,強調輪組加速、抽車、下坡路段穩定感。關鍵零件培林透過與ceramicspeed 專業合作,減少動能損耗,增加順暢度及耐用度; 用輕量強壯的碳纖幅條,不僅優化動力傳導,輪組整體重量也更加輕量。優化花鼓培林位置,強化側向剛性以及耐用度;優化鋼絲編織角度,相較於mach 33 disc, 扭轉剛性提升 8%。

    • 攤位號碼: 南港一館

    產品特色:teny e-bike rim is well corrected and not easy to loosen. ◎special ten degree angle. ◎easy to make the wheel and adjust horizontal & vertical wiggle. ◎horizontal & vertical wiggle is not easy large floating chang.

    • 攤位號碼: 南港一館

    產品特色:uci approved wheelset. our wheels deliver speed whether on flat roads or climbs. from cobbled roads to steep and winding climbs, our wheels are 100% approved by our uci continental race team.

    • 攤位號碼: 南港一館

    產品特色:the center lock disc system makes the wheels easy to install and maintain. through better braking performance comes greater speed, enhanced by a performance wheel stiffness that retains comfort. the best all round wheel set.

    • 攤位號碼: 南港一館

    產品特色:zen 60c is the new aero profile wheelset for time trial or long distance triathlon races. developed with professional teams and triathletes for the most demanding riders. the 60mm deep rim profile and a 28mm wide rim guarantees enhanced aerodynamics and the best weight to stiffness ratio in its class. zen 60c, the very best.
